Hands of Destiny


Welcome to the Directions Page.

I ask that you please print out and use the directions as listed below, or screen shot them in case you have trouble with your mobile service, because Google Maps, NavMans, TomToms and other SatNav devices can lead you to blocked roads around us, and you cannot ring me for assistance as I will be Reading for the previous client. If you do choose to use one of these devices, please print off our directions as back up, in case you run into problems. If you have any problems opening up the "Directions" navigation page on this website, my address is: 78 Woodfords Road, Reserve Creek, NSW, 2484.

Please Note: If using a mobile phone, please click on the " Navigation", or "Read More" buttons and then scroll down the menu to "Directions", then choose the direction you are coming from for detailed, step by step instructions.

   Thank you.

I look forward to meeting you,

Magical Blessings,




PDF's will be automatically downloaded (when you tap the relevant button e.g. coming from Gold Coast) if you are accessing them on a smartphone. If you are on a computer / laptop they will open in a new page where you can save or print them via hovering your mouse in the right-hand corner of the document.

Coming from Gold Coast,QLD

Coming from Gold Coast, QLD Via Murwillumbah, NSW

Coming from Murwillumbah, NSW

 Coming from Byron Bay, NSW


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