I have visited Rhonda twice now, both only in times of need, when my sub conscious has drawn me to go. My most recent was last week, the very day before having to have made the hardest decision of my life; to let my first baby go half way through my pregnancy due to severe health complications. I can’t tell you the impact Rhonda had on how I then handled that following, tragic day.
But, I will say that her knowledge of reading my situation through spirit got me through and helped me understand the experience this was delivering to me. She is a phenomenal woman, clearly dedicated to helping others through the guidance of spirit which may seem crazy to some, but there is no denying once you visit, you will be hooked.
I am so grateful to be blessed with crossing paths with this lady, not to tell my future or to change my life but to guide me in the right direction to make my own life better for me and for others.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.